The App Store is Changing Our Expectations on Application Pricing

Well, by the time you read this we could all be zapped down to our individual atoms and scattered throughout some other -- maybe new …(read more)

The App Store Mania Is Catching

In spite of all the flaws with the App Store (both real and perceived), I think the concept is brilliant and the execution very well …(read more)

Let’s Rock: Nine Rumors for 9 September

For Apple, secrecy—the holy ingredient in whatever they do, the mantra and obsession of Steve Jobs, a trait that is embedded in Apple’s DNA—is becoming …(read more)

5 Ways to Take MobileMe To the Next Level

I've been a .mac/MobileMe member for the last five years. I use the service because it's an easy way to maintain my business website, upload …(read more)

No Low End in Apple’s Future: Thanks Google Chrome

If there is one consistent article Apple fans and watchers write it is the one outlining what Apple can do to grab a bigger slice …(read more)

iPhone - A Great Computer

Last week, when referring to the iPhone, I said I'd bought a new computer. I still feel that way too. The iPhone is an extension …(read more)

Tuesday’s Grab-Bag of Monty Python Inspired Lunacy

Here are three amusing stories that I've wanted to touch on lately. 1. Bloomberg mistakenly reports Jobs is dead In a move that can only …(read more)

Vista means having to say you’re sorry

You, astute reader, are no doubt with the familiar "fight or flight" response exhibited in animals under stress. The basic idea seems to be that …(read more)

On America, Cellphones and American Telecom Carriers

  I don’t understand this. Isn’t America supposed to be the most developed country in the world? Or, at least, a member of the top …(read more)

Density Equates Quality

This past weekend I was killing time in Best Buy when I wandered over to their cell phone display. As some of you may recall …(read more)

iPhone: Death by Android?

The iPhone isn't the market leader in any market segment except the coveted “Designed by Apple in California” category. But that is plenty to get …(read more)

Is Apple TV the Stupidest Apple Product Ever?

Mum said, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." However, Hadley says "500 words per week please." So I'll say, you're …(read more)